In this chapter, the three of them travel to the island of shengxie, which is three hundred miles away from the city of Tianji. In order to reach the island, they must first enter the forest, where they will be able to cultivate for a long period of time. They must also use the magic of the first element, wood, to destroy all kinds of monsters, including those that are below level ten. The fog prevents them from moving forward, and they must now dispel it before they can move on.
In this chapter, the three of them travel to the island of shengxie, which is three hundred miles away from the city of Tianji. In order to reach the island, they must first enter the forest, where they will be able to cultivate for a long period of time. They must also use the magic of the first element, wood, to destroy all kinds of monsters, including those that are below level ten. The fog prevents them from moving forward, and they must now dispel it before they can move on.