The next morning, the three of them go to the underground palace, where they find that the sun has gone out and the sky is completely dark. They find that they can enter the palace through the divine pillar, which corresponds to the three attributes they possess. The three go to eat and clean up, and then the sun goes out again and the three return to the forest. The priest tells the three that he has a gift for them: he has crystal core and a crown, and he will make them a drink as a gift. He calls them the "gods of wine" , and they drink together.
The next morning, the three of them go to the underground palace, where they find that the sun has gone out and the sky is completely dark. They find that they can enter the palace through the divine pillar, which corresponds to the three attributes they possess. The three go to eat and clean up, and then the sun goes out again and the three return to the forest. The priest tells the three that he has a gift for them: he has crystal core and a crown, and he will make them a drink as a gift. He calls them the "gods of wine" , and they drink together.