You’re the Only One Who Gets Me up ~Perfect Sexual Chemistry With a Childhood Friend • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4345041
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the narrator lamenting the fact that he is the only one in the world with whom he is in love. He feels that he should be able to go on with his life without being "messed with" by someone else. He thinks that if he were to open a new love, he would be "more of a pain" than a selfish, impotent man. The narrator then tells us that he was on a date and that the woman he was with asked him to go to a different place, but he declined. He tells us, "she did understand my self" . He then asks if she was wearing a bra, and she replies, "if you don1t want me1 to look at strange places, if you want me to1 look at plain well, it1s late , didn1t think someone1 would come , then go home, creak wait . . then in this mess, he jumps
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You’re the Only One Who Gets Me up ~Perfect Sexual Chemistry With a Childhood Friend • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4345041
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The scene opens with the narrator lamenting the fact that he is the only one in the world with whom he is in love. He feels that he should be able to go on with his life without being "messed with" by someone else. He thinks that if he were to open a new love, he would be "more of a pain" than a selfish, impotent man. The narrator then tells us that he was on a date and that the woman he was with asked him to go to a different place, but he declined. He tells us, "she did understand my self" . He then asks if she was wearing a bra, and she replies, "if you don1t want me1 to look at strange places, if you want me to1 look at plain well, it1s late , didn1t think someone1 would come , then go home, creak wait . . then in this mess, he jumps
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