If I Say No, You’re Still Gonna Put It In, Right? - I Take a Bath With My Student and Cum • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-4154926
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
The teacher and the student are in the middle of a bath, and the teacher asks the student if he'd like to take a bath. The student says yes, but the teacher wants to know if the student has ever done this before. The teacher tells him that he's done it before, but he doesn't know if it's the first time or the last time. The two of them slap each other, and then the teacher says that they're both teachers, so they should lock the bathroom and have a "break fast." The teacher says he can't make a break fast, because food tastes better with company, after all. The girl says that she's not her grandmother's only family, and that they don't "get along." The girl tells the teacher that she hasn't seen him in a while, and he says that he just saw her the other day, and they haven't been seeing each other for a while. He tells the girl that his mom told him that she put his address on the refrigerator, so that's where the girl's address came from. He asks the girl if she knows who the girl is, and she says she does, but she'll have to wait until she sees the girl again.
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If I Say No, You’re Still Gonna Put It In, Right? - I Take a Bath With My Student and Cum • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-4154926
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
The teacher and the student are in the middle of a bath, and the teacher asks the student if he'd like to take a bath. The student says yes, but the teacher wants to know if the student has ever done this before. The teacher tells him that he's done it before, but he doesn't know if it's the first time or the last time. The two of them slap each other, and then the teacher says that they're both teachers, so they should lock the bathroom and have a "break fast." The teacher says he can't make a break fast, because food tastes better with company, after all. The girl says that she's not her grandmother's only family, and that they don't "get along." The girl tells the teacher that she hasn't seen him in a while, and he says that he just saw her the other day, and they haven't been seeing each other for a while. He tells the girl that his mom told him that she put his address on the refrigerator, so that's where the girl's address came from. He asks the girl if she knows who the girl is, and she says she does, but she'll have to wait until she sees the girl again.
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