This is the end of the Round of the Game, and it's time to leave. Anran is tired of the game and wants to go home. He tells xiong that he's tired of being teased by the other kids and that he doesn't want to go any further in the game. He says that he promised him that he would be a "normal person" and not a "scarecrow." .. . he tells Anran that he has been learning, so he can't get rid of the bullies. He asks Anran not to ruin his life because of what they're doing to him. He wants to protect him from the bullies, but Anran says that his heart is always in the dark and lonely world. He's done a lot of research and hasn't found anything. He looks at
This is the end of the Round of the Game, and it's time to leave. Anran is tired of the game and wants to go home. He tells xiong that he's tired of being teased by the other kids and that he doesn't want to go any further in the game. He says that he promised him that he would be a "normal person" and not a "scarecrow." .. . he tells Anran that he has been learning, so he can't get rid of the bullies. He asks Anran not to ruin his life because of what they're doing to him. He wants to protect him from the bullies, but Anran says that his heart is always in the dark and lonely world. He's done a lot of research and hasn't found anything. He looks at