The narrator introduces us to the protagonist, a student named Rat-Tata, who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He is dressed in a sparkly outfit and has just arrived at the Galapagos, where he will spend the next three days studying. He asks Rat-Tater what he is doing there, and he tells him that he is going to observe him and take a picture of him the next day. The two of them decide to go for a walk together, and the narrator is surprised to find Rat-Tap smiling at the sight of him. Rat-Tamer tries to stop them, but the two manage to escape.
The narrator introduces us to the protagonist, a student named Rat-Tata, who has just returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands. He is dressed in a sparkly outfit and has just arrived at the Galapagos, where he will spend the next three days studying. He asks Rat-Tater what he is doing there, and he tells him that he is going to observe him and take a picture of him the next day. The two of them decide to go for a walk together, and the narrator is surprised to find Rat-Tap smiling at the sight of him. Rat-Tamer tries to stop them, but the two manage to escape.