“Hey, What Are You... Agh!” Fooling a Classmate to Get Naked for Physical Check • Chapter 23 • Page ik-page-4159053
Chapter 23
This is a locked chapterChapter 23
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a group of students at a school in New Jersey. The students are discussing the merits of a piece of cake that one of the students has made for them. The student, named Nitta, is excited about the cake, which she has just made for him. She asks the other students if they would like to have a bite to eat, and they all agree that they would. Nitta asks the students to eat the cake while she takes a shower, and the students agree to eat it while she does the shower. When the shower is over, the students exit, leaving Nitta alone with the cake. She tells the students that she is going to take a shower with them, but that she does not want them to see her naked. She says that she would like them to shake her hand, but they are not allowed to do so. She then tells them that she will watch a movie while they are taking a shower.
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“Hey, What Are You... Agh!” Fooling a Classmate to Get Naked for Physical Check • Chapter 23 • Page ik-page-4159053
Chapter 23
This is a locked chapterChapter 23
About This Chapter
The scene opens with a group of students at a school in New Jersey. The students are discussing the merits of a piece of cake that one of the students has made for them. The student, named Nitta, is excited about the cake, which she has just made for him. She asks the other students if they would like to have a bite to eat, and they all agree that they would. Nitta asks the students to eat the cake while she takes a shower, and the students agree to eat it while she does the shower. When the shower is over, the students exit, leaving Nitta alone with the cake. She tells the students that she is going to take a shower with them, but that she does not want them to see her naked. She says that she would like them to shake her hand, but they are not allowed to do so. She then tells them that she will watch a movie while they are taking a shower.
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