The chapter opens with a soliloquy by the captain of the wrestling team, in which he laments the inability of his students' minds to "correlate all its contents" . The chapter ends with the captain lamenting the fact that he and the other members of the team are in the same dormitory wing as the student who was attacked by the "flower-headed man" the previous day. The captain laments that he has become too absorbed in his studies and has lost interest in his fellow students. He complains that he is not even carrying "half of what I am" , and wonders why the other students have come to his class. He wonders if they have seen the man who was the victim of the attack, and he wonders if it is possible that the man could not have been the victim because no one has seen him before, and no one will see him again. He resolves to prove that the flower-head man is not the victim by writing a post on the subject.