The chapter opens with a description of the action in the central league, where the defending champions, the chunchi dragons, are at war with the pacific mars, who are trying to defend their territory against the southern mars. One of the challengers, boomer, breaks a 44 in the first game, while the other challengers scatter seven in the second game. In the third game, the mars break a 44, which is one of the ten in the game, and the challengers give up one point. The chapter ends with a discussion of the importance of a guardian character, the person who protects one's fellow man from harm. In this chapter, we learn that the founder of guardians was the first king of Japan, who wrote the story of the guardians. A guardian character is a person who comes out of a group of people who have agreed to protect one another. A prince and a prince together form a guardian. The prince and the prince are described as prince and guardian, respectively, in the book "The Book of the Guardians." The prince is described as a prince who has made friends with the other prince, and a guardian is a young man who has come out of the group. The young man, daichi, introduces himself as a friend of the prince. He tells daichi that if he becomes a guardian, he will have many privileges, including being able to play with the prince and his friends. He says that he wants to be normal, but if he joins the guards, he won't like them anymore. He asks daichi to bring out the third egg, and he says he'll punch the prince if he does anything to him. He also says that the prince's birthday is tomorrow, so they'll have to wait until the next day to make the egg. They make a tart, and daichi asks if he can draw the picture of it. The tart is finished, but daichi says he needs to cream the
The chapter opens with a description of the action in the central league, where the defending champions, the chunchi dragons, are at war with the pacific mars, who are trying to defend their territory against the southern mars. One of the challengers, boomer, breaks a 44 in the first game, while the other challengers scatter seven in the second game. In the third game, the mars break a 44, which is one of the ten in the game, and the challengers give up one point. The chapter ends with a discussion of the importance of a guardian character, the person who protects one's fellow man from harm. In this chapter, we learn that the founder of guardians was the first king of Japan, who wrote the story of the guardians. A guardian character is a person who comes out of a group of people who have agreed to protect one another. A prince and a prince together form a guardian. The prince and the prince are described as prince and guardian, respectively, in the book "The Book of the Guardians." The prince is described as a prince who has made friends with the other prince, and a guardian is a young man who has come out of the group. The young man, daichi, introduces himself as a friend of the prince. He tells daichi that if he becomes a guardian, he will have many privileges, including being able to play with the prince and his friends. He says that he wants to be normal, but if he joins the guards, he won't like them anymore. He asks daichi to bring out the third egg, and he says he'll punch the prince if he does anything to him. He also says that the prince's birthday is tomorrow, so they'll have to wait until the next day to make the egg. They make a tart, and daichi asks if he can draw the picture of it. The tart is finished, but daichi says he needs to cream the