The narrator tells us that he thinks it's best if the two of them break up. He doesn't feel that he and Nelly are in love anymore, and he doesn1t want Nelly to skip school because of it. He tells Nelly that he won1t have her smoking in his house anymore, because he doesn‘t want to look like he’s not in the best of moods. He also tells her that he isn1t in the mood at all, and that he comes to his "smoking spot" when he wants to think. He says that if he leaves, he can relax in peace at his smoking spot, but if he stays, he will pay him whatever he wants. The narrator says that he is surprised that he hasn1t yet noticed a "night owl" like Nelly. He thinks that Nelly and his girlfriend broke up and he needed to "clear his head" . He decides to come back to Nelly and see if she is still in love with him.