The preparations are ready. The lawyer leaves, and the master tells his servant to stay outside and not let anyone in. He has already asked his subordinate to leave, and he has contracted an operator to shut down the service. He tells his brother that he has already taken enough precautions for him, and that he is just playing the "default character". He tells him to wait for his death, and then surrender himself to him. The servant asks why he is there. The master tells him that the holy light has betrayed him
The preparations are ready. The lawyer leaves, and the master tells his servant to stay outside and not let anyone in. He has already asked his subordinate to leave, and he has contracted an operator to shut down the service. He tells his brother that he has already taken enough precautions for him, and that he is just playing the "default character". He tells him to wait for his death, and then surrender himself to him. The servant asks why he is there. The master tells him that the holy light has betrayed him