Back in the cave, the Ming girls are worried about what's going to happen to them once they get back to the mainland. They're worried because they've left the valley in such a hurry, and they don't have a lot of time to eat before they have to go back to battle. The Ming sisters explain that a group of fierce tiger sects has been trying to get into the valley for a long time, but the Ming masters have been able to destroy them. Now, however, they're joined by other enemies of the valley, who are also trying to gain access to the valley. The
Back in the cave, the Ming girls are worried about what's going to happen to them once they get back to the mainland. They're worried because they've left the valley in such a hurry, and they don't have a lot of time to eat before they have to go back to battle. The Ming sisters explain that a group of fierce tiger sects has been trying to get into the valley for a long time, but the Ming masters have been able to destroy them. Now, however, they're joined by other enemies of the valley, who are also trying to gain access to the valley. The