In this short scene, the gang introduces itself as the "guardy girls," a group of super-powered female fighters who have been trained to destroy everything in their path. They are led by the leader, Laurie, who is a weapons expert, and are joined by fumi, a science-driven magical girl, and silvia, a super-powerful woman. The three of them set off to attack the villainy, but they are interrupted by the sight of a little girl trying to hurl a car at them. The little girl is taken into custody by the police.
In this short scene, the gang introduces itself as the "guardy girls," a group of super-powered female fighters who have been trained to destroy everything in their path. They are led by the leader, Laurie, who is a weapons expert, and are joined by fumi, a science-driven magical girl, and silvia, a super-powerful woman. The three of them set off to attack the villainy, but they are interrupted by the sight of a little girl trying to hurl a car at them. The little girl is taken into custody by the police.