This chapter opens with a description of a young girl named yuzu, who works as an attendant at a hot spring inn in the town of Konohanatei. She tells us that she has just returned from a visit with her mother, who is staying in the same hotel as the girl. The girl is crying, and the attendant tries to comfort her by giving her steamed buns. When the girl's mother is still crying, the attendant goes to find her, but the girl refuses to listen to her. She says that she is a big sister, so she has to think of how to make herself fashionable. She asks the attendant to make another kimono for her, so that she and her mother don't have to hide their identities from each other. The attendant tells her that the girl looks like her older sister, and she wonders if that is the girl she met yesterday. She wonders if the girl is her mother's older sister. The young girl says that her name is not shizue, which means "little sister," and she asks if the attendant will make another one for her
This chapter opens with a description of a young girl named yuzu, who works as an attendant at a hot spring inn in the town of Konohanatei. She tells us that she has just returned from a visit with her mother, who is staying in the same hotel as the girl. The girl is crying, and the attendant tries to comfort her by giving her steamed buns. When the girl's mother is still crying, the attendant goes to find her, but the girl refuses to listen to her. She says that she is a big sister, so she has to think of how to make herself fashionable. She asks the attendant to make another kimono for her, so that she and her mother don't have to hide their identities from each other. The attendant tells her that the girl looks like her older sister, and she wonders if that is the girl she met yesterday. She wonders if the girl is her mother's older sister. The young girl says that her name is not shizue, which means "little sister," and she asks if the attendant will make another one for her