Reincarnate This Time, Could I Build A Better Country? • Chapter 22: Duke Silverfang • Page ik-page-4968449
Chapter 22: Duke Silverfang
This is a locked chapterChapter 22: Duke Silverfang
About This Chapter
The duke tells the princess that he has lost all of his nobles to the duke's forces. The duke says that he hoped that the duke would bolster his ranks, but he is certain that all he is is a threat he needs quelled. The princess tells the duke that she does not understand what he is doing. She asks him what actions he will take if the duke were to overthrow her. He tells her that he wants her to be forced to marry a man who had her father murdered. She tells him that in his world, people are like better than they are in this one. He asks her what she would like to see in a world without nobles. She says that she wants a world where she can determine how she lives, a world in which she can choose her own trade and be happy. He says that in that world she would be able to choose who she marries. He slaps her and tells her to slap clear that he needs to kill her first
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Reincarnate This Time, Could I Build A Better Country? • Chapter 22: Duke Silverfang • Page ik-page-4968449
Chapter 22: Duke Silverfang
This is a locked chapterChapter 22: Duke Silverfang
About This Chapter
The duke tells the princess that he has lost all of his nobles to the duke's forces. The duke says that he hoped that the duke would bolster his ranks, but he is certain that all he is is a threat he needs quelled. The princess tells the duke that she does not understand what he is doing. She asks him what actions he will take if the duke were to overthrow her. He tells her that he wants her to be forced to marry a man who had her father murdered. She tells him that in his world, people are like better than they are in this one. He asks her what she would like to see in a world without nobles. She says that she wants a world where she can determine how she lives, a world in which she can choose her own trade and be happy. He says that in that world she would be able to choose who she marries. He slaps her and tells her to slap clear that he needs to kill her first
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