The Governess and the Governess's servant, Mr. Soekidin, are in the middle of a conversation when they are suddenly struck by a thunderbolt. They are overcome with fear and panic, and they rush to the scene of the accident. They rush out of the building, and Mr. Snodgrass, a civil servant, rushes in to help them. He is shocked to find that the two women are unharmed, and he apologizes for being so harsh on them the previous day
The Governess and the Governess's servant, Mr. Soekidin, are in the middle of a conversation when they are suddenly struck by a thunderbolt. They are overcome with fear and panic, and they rush to the scene of the accident. They rush out of the building, and Mr. Snodgrass, a civil servant, rushes in to help them. He is shocked to find that the two women are unharmed, and he apologizes for being so harsh on them the previous day