The Flower of the Month is over, but not before Ongsim gives us a brief description of the plot. She says that she changed the plot in the middle, and now she doesn't know where she's been going with the story. She's not sure how she managed to come up with the list of flowers, but it's a good idea to try to find them while you're reading the web-toon again. She also tells us that she'd like to know if there are any extra chapters after the story, but that she won't have an opportunity to do so unless she has an opportunity. The guys are talking about twitter, and ongsim says that they can check out the latest news from yeonwoo on his and da'y's accounts. He also gives a shout-out to dal for his handsomeness, and to his rudolph for his congratulations.
The Flower of the Month is over, but not before Ongsim gives us a brief description of the plot. She says that she changed the plot in the middle, and now she doesn't know where she's been going with the story. She's not sure how she managed to come up with the list of flowers, but it's a good idea to try to find them while you're reading the web-toon again. She also tells us that she'd like to know if there are any extra chapters after the story, but that she won't have an opportunity to do so unless she has an opportunity. The guys are talking about twitter, and ongsim says that they can check out the latest news from yeonwoo on his and da'y's accounts. He also gives a shout-out to dal for his handsomeness, and to his rudolph for his congratulations.