In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young man named Choi Sihyun, who has just returned from a trip to China. The young man, who is introduced as "Choi Namhyun" , is a little confused by the strange behavior of his companion. He asks for a drink to help him recover from his hangover, but the young man hesitates, saying that he is not sure what he is looking for. He then asks for some food that will help him get over his hangover. The food, which is a mixture of sweet treats and alcohol, is described as having a "great effect" on the hangover. After the food is taken out of the box, the young gentleman thanks his companion for taking good care of him the day before. He also apologizes for his behavior the night before, saying, "I was really drunk" . He tells his companion to "drink in moderation" the next time he drinks, even if it is an accident, and to refrain from doing the same thing to anyone the following day if he does it again. The narrator then asks if the incident upset him, and he says, "did i root for it for nothing". He then wonders if he should have rejected the invitation to return to China, since it has been so long since he has been there.
In this short scene, the audience is introduced to a young man named Choi Sihyun, who has just returned from a trip to China. The young man, who is introduced as "Choi Namhyun" , is a little confused by the strange behavior of his companion. He asks for a drink to help him recover from his hangover, but the young man hesitates, saying that he is not sure what he is looking for. He then asks for some food that will help him get over his hangover. The food, which is a mixture of sweet treats and alcohol, is described as having a "great effect" on the hangover. After the food is taken out of the box, the young gentleman thanks his companion for taking good care of him the day before. He also apologizes for his behavior the night before, saying, "I was really drunk" . He tells his companion to "drink in moderation" the next time he drinks, even if it is an accident, and to refrain from doing the same thing to anyone the following day if he does it again. The narrator then asks if the incident upset him, and he says, "did i root for it for nothing". He then wonders if he should have rejected the invitation to return to China, since it has been so long since he has been there.