Alexia is a nineteen-year-old girl from a poor family who has been forced to leave her family in order to attend a boarding school. She tells the other students that she is leaving because she is tired of being teased about her appearance. She says that she has been trying her best to help her, but that she cannot bear the thought of leaving her family and friends behind. When the other boys ask her why she has decided to leave, she tells them that it is because she wants to impress someone. She adds that she does not want to hurt the reputation of the school, and that she will explain everything to them in a few days.
Alexia is a nineteen-year-old girl from a poor family who has been forced to leave her family in order to attend a boarding school. She tells the other students that she is leaving because she is tired of being teased about her appearance. She says that she has been trying her best to help her, but that she cannot bear the thought of leaving her family and friends behind. When the other boys ask her why she has decided to leave, she tells them that it is because she wants to impress someone. She adds that she does not want to hurt the reputation of the school, and that she will explain everything to them in a few days.