In this short scene, the protagonist is introduced to the red-heart gang, a predatory lending and protection racket based in the city of Lanhai, China. The protagonist is shocked to learn that the gang has set up a loan shark, and that the company has been collecting protection fees from her for a year. The gang's president tells the protagonist not to worry, because he already has a contract with the company, so he can take her to court to get the money back. He tells her that he has to go collect the protection fee from the gang because he is her first day on the job, and she is excited to begin working for the gang. The boss of the company tries to convince the protagonist to take out a loan with the gang, but the protagonist refuses, saying that he is from a company called Meiman Corp., which is owned by the "red-hearts." The boss laughs at the protagonist's jokes, and the protagonist says that the kid makes him laugh, and he asks the kid to reconsider, or he will not take responsibility for his actions.
In this short scene, the protagonist is introduced to the red-heart gang, a predatory lending and protection racket based in the city of Lanhai, China. The protagonist is shocked to learn that the gang has set up a loan shark, and that the company has been collecting protection fees from her for a year. The gang's president tells the protagonist not to worry, because he already has a contract with the company, so he can take her to court to get the money back. He tells her that he has to go collect the protection fee from the gang because he is her first day on the job, and she is excited to begin working for the gang. The boss of the company tries to convince the protagonist to take out a loan with the gang, but the protagonist refuses, saying that he is from a company called Meiman Corp., which is owned by the "red-hearts." The boss laughs at the protagonist's jokes, and the protagonist says that the kid makes him laugh, and he asks the kid to reconsider, or he will not take responsibility for his actions.