This chapter's epigraph comes from the opening lines of the first chapter, which are: "I didn't know you were also good at hacking." This is a reference to the fact that the narrator is a good hack, and that he's using a crash attack to figure out the neural operating system of a particular toy. The narrator asks his friend to look up the source code of the toy, and he discovers that it's the toy factory of the duke. The duke is the "de facto ruler of Xingsu" , and the
This chapter's epigraph comes from the opening lines of the first chapter, which are: "I didn't know you were also good at hacking." This is a reference to the fact that the narrator is a good hack, and that he's using a crash attack to figure out the neural operating system of a particular toy. The narrator asks his friend to look up the source code of the toy, and he discovers that it's the toy factory of the duke. The duke is the "de facto ruler of Xingsu" , and the