The police escorts have lost control of their vehicle and are coming towards the group. They need to change their route immediately. Anna and Nelly frantically try to get away from the police escorts, but the road splits in all directions, so they can't see which exit they're supposed to take. They'll never know where they are, and they don't have to worry about whether or not the police will find them. They just need to keep moving, and that's all they need to do. The back tire is going to blow if the police continue to move, and the back tire will blow if they stop moving. They have no signal, and it's not clear if they've been using other means to track them, like drones or cameras. They check all their surroundings for suspicious objects, but no one seems to be using any of these methods to find them, which makes them wonder if they might be using some other means of tracking them.
The police escorts have lost control of their vehicle and are coming towards the group. They need to change their route immediately. Anna and Nelly frantically try to get away from the police escorts, but the road splits in all directions, so they can't see which exit they're supposed to take. They'll never know where they are, and they don't have to worry about whether or not the police will find them. They just need to keep moving, and that's all they need to do. The back tire is going to blow if the police continue to move, and the back tire will blow if they stop moving. They have no signal, and it's not clear if they've been using other means to track them, like drones or cameras. They check all their surroundings for suspicious objects, but no one seems to be using any of these methods to find them, which makes them wonder if they might be using some other means of tracking them.