The leader of the Snowbeasts asks why he and the other disciples of the Yujing sect were tied up in the middle of the night. The snowbeasts explain that they were there to investigate an attack on them by a snow beast. Everyone is fine, they say, but no one has ever seen a beast go berserk before. They also say that it's the winter hibernation season, which means no one is out. The leader asks if the woman would be willing to help investigate the incident. The woman says that since she's just taken advantage of her, she'll consider helping him. He says that he'll marry her today.
The leader of the Snowbeasts asks why he and the other disciples of the Yujing sect were tied up in the middle of the night. The snowbeasts explain that they were there to investigate an attack on them by a snow beast. Everyone is fine, they say, but no one has ever seen a beast go berserk before. They also say that it's the winter hibernation season, which means no one is out. The leader asks if the woman would be willing to help investigate the incident. The woman says that since she's just taken advantage of her, she'll consider helping him. He says that he'll marry her today.