My Beloved Bathroom Slut • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176458
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
The narrator apologizes for the long wait. He used to think that people who came to meet with him were only interested in sex, but now he realizes that they are interested in him. He gives a flower to the guy, and the guy thinks it is a sad flower, but the narrator is so happy that he thinks it's a barrassing gesture. He tells the guy that he uses him, and he starts to think he wants to change. The narrator tells him that he's "capa-ble of play" , and that once he begins to touch him, he'll be able to "contain himself" . He's sorry, but he can't continue to do it with the guy anymore. He returns the next day.
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My Beloved Bathroom Slut • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176458
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
The narrator apologizes for the long wait. He used to think that people who came to meet with him were only interested in sex, but now he realizes that they are interested in him. He gives a flower to the guy, and the guy thinks it is a sad flower, but the narrator is so happy that he thinks it's a barrassing gesture. He tells the guy that he uses him, and he starts to think he wants to change. The narrator tells him that he's "capa-ble of play" , and that once he begins to touch him, he'll be able to "contain himself" . He's sorry, but he can't continue to do it with the guy anymore. He returns the next day.
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