My Beloved Bathroom Slut • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5153144
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
In this short story, we learn that the ghost of a young woman named Kyoko is waiting for someone to come to her in the men's room of a convenience store. The ghost tells Kyoko to go to the furthest stall in the room at midnight, knock three times, and wait for someone. The door will open, and Kyoko will be alone in the dim bathroom stall. Kyoko asks the ghost if he can help her, and the ghost tells her that he can't, because he's scared. He tells her to give him a "scarecrow" look, so that she won't attract other men to the room, and to keep him from being tempted by other men. He says that if he doesn't keep her in check, he'll lure men away from the room. When the ghost leaves, Kyoko says that she's free to go anywhere, but she'll have to keep her mouth shut if she wants to attract men.
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My Beloved Bathroom Slut • Chapter 1 • Page ik-page-5153144
Chapter 1
This is a locked chapterChapter 1
About This Chapter
In this short story, we learn that the ghost of a young woman named Kyoko is waiting for someone to come to her in the men's room of a convenience store. The ghost tells Kyoko to go to the furthest stall in the room at midnight, knock three times, and wait for someone. The door will open, and Kyoko will be alone in the dim bathroom stall. Kyoko asks the ghost if he can help her, and the ghost tells her that he can't, because he's scared. He tells her to give him a "scarecrow" look, so that she won't attract other men to the room, and to keep him from being tempted by other men. He says that if he doesn't keep her in check, he'll lure men away from the room. When the ghost leaves, Kyoko says that she's free to go anywhere, but she'll have to keep her mouth shut if she wants to attract men.
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