My Beloved Bathroom Slut • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5176456
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with the narrator's declaration that he's going to have sex with another man. He's feeling a lot better, he says, because his body is getting better and his heart is getting stronger. The narrator says that he can't wait to get back to his regular job, but he'll have to wait until the next day. He tells us that he bought the sex manual because he wanted to "repay the favor" of having sex with someone earlier in the day. Yuma, the ghost, comes in and says that she's been waiting for him all day, but she doesn't want to tell him. The ghost says that they'll be having sex every other day, and that they need to keep their sex going. He asks if the narrator is in love with someone, and the narrator says no. He says that the ghost has been meeting him in the bathroom, and they've been having sex there. He adds that he feels like he can see ghosts all the time, and he says that's because he was a little girl who always waved at him from her window. He also says that when he saw legs sticking from a car, he realized that it was the owner of the car. The chapter ends with the ghost saying that he wants to know more about the story.
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My Beloved Bathroom Slut • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-5176456
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with the narrator's declaration that he's going to have sex with another man. He's feeling a lot better, he says, because his body is getting better and his heart is getting stronger. The narrator says that he can't wait to get back to his regular job, but he'll have to wait until the next day. He tells us that he bought the sex manual because he wanted to "repay the favor" of having sex with someone earlier in the day. Yuma, the ghost, comes in and says that she's been waiting for him all day, but she doesn't want to tell him. The ghost says that they'll be having sex every other day, and that they need to keep their sex going. He asks if the narrator is in love with someone, and the narrator says no. He says that the ghost has been meeting him in the bathroom, and they've been having sex there. He adds that he feels like he can see ghosts all the time, and he says that's because he was a little girl who always waved at him from her window. He also says that when he saw legs sticking from a car, he realized that it was the owner of the car. The chapter ends with the ghost saying that he wants to know more about the story.
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