If It’s You, You Can Undress Me • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5176448
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he's just been out on a fishing trip. He's not sure if the guys are gone or not. He wants to hang out with the guy a little longer. The narrator says that he doesn't want to run into them, so he tells the guy not to go outside. He says that if they're gone, he'll take the guy back to his room. The guy says that's fine, but he wants to make sure that the guys aren't hanging out with him. He asks the narrator to tell him what's been up with him, and the narrator tells him that he hasn't been anywhere with the guys. He tells the narrator that he likes to fish, and that he used to go fishing with his dad. He also says that the guy is totally different from his father, who used to be like a fishing buddy. He talks about how awesome it is to be able to talk to the guy like that, and how he never knew anything about his father's life before. It's amazing, the narrator says, that he can talk to someone like that now. He adds that it's hard for him to go anywhere because he always has to be running around, organizing people, and doing all kinds of other things. So, he says, all he ever does is help people, even if it means that he sacrifices himself for other people. This is the first time the narrator has ever said anything like that.
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If It’s You, You Can Undress Me • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-5176448
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he's just been out on a fishing trip. He's not sure if the guys are gone or not. He wants to hang out with the guy a little longer. The narrator says that he doesn't want to run into them, so he tells the guy not to go outside. He says that if they're gone, he'll take the guy back to his room. The guy says that's fine, but he wants to make sure that the guys aren't hanging out with him. He asks the narrator to tell him what's been up with him, and the narrator tells him that he hasn't been anywhere with the guys. He tells the narrator that he likes to fish, and that he used to go fishing with his dad. He also says that the guy is totally different from his father, who used to be like a fishing buddy. He talks about how awesome it is to be able to talk to the guy like that, and how he never knew anything about his father's life before. It's amazing, the narrator says, that he can talk to someone like that now. He adds that it's hard for him to go anywhere because he always has to be running around, organizing people, and doing all kinds of other things. So, he says, all he ever does is help people, even if it means that he sacrifices himself for other people. This is the first time the narrator has ever said anything like that.
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