If It’s You, You Can Undress Me • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176446
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a flashback to the first meeting between the two of them. The narrator tells the reader that he has just returned from a company trip to Japan, where he had been asked to confess his love to a man named morishita, who is a systems engineer in the development department of the Japanese government. He tells the audience that the man was a "real manly man" and that he had asked him to confess because he was afraid that if the man rejected him, he would be shot down. He then tells the story of how he had tried to confess to the man, but the man had refused to confess, and the narrator had to leave the company.
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If It’s You, You Can Undress Me • Chapter 7 • Page ik-page-5176446
Chapter 7
This is a locked chapterChapter 7
About This Chapter
This chapter opens with a flashback to the first meeting between the two of them. The narrator tells the reader that he has just returned from a company trip to Japan, where he had been asked to confess his love to a man named morishita, who is a systems engineer in the development department of the Japanese government. He tells the audience that the man was a "real manly man" and that he had asked him to confess because he was afraid that if the man rejected him, he would be shot down. He then tells the story of how he had tried to confess to the man, but the man had refused to confess, and the narrator had to leave the company.
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