If It’s You, You Can Undress Me • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-5176441
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
Since the day of their meeting, the two have not been able to speak to one another. They are now at a hotel in Paris, where they have been waiting for their suitcase to arrive. They decide to go to the hotel and find out what has happened to it. They find that the suitcase is on a flight to France, and they decide to take it to the next city. They go to their room and find that it is very tired, and that they have no sleep. They want to see each other again, but they are interrupted by the sound of a "twitch kiss" from the other room. It is a dream, they say, and it must be the result of everything that has happened in the past. They tell each other that they love each other, but that they are not sure if they can really love one another
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If It’s You, You Can Undress Me • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-5176441
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
Since the day of their meeting, the two have not been able to speak to one another. They are now at a hotel in Paris, where they have been waiting for their suitcase to arrive. They decide to go to the hotel and find out what has happened to it. They find that the suitcase is on a flight to France, and they decide to take it to the next city. They go to their room and find that it is very tired, and that they have no sleep. They want to see each other again, but they are interrupted by the sound of a "twitch kiss" from the other room. It is a dream, they say, and it must be the result of everything that has happened in the past. They tell each other that they love each other, but that they are not sure if they can really love one another
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