My Childhood Friend is a Perverted Doctor - This is Not a Palpation, He’s Fondling Me! • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-5176497
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
This chapter begins with Hiroyuki's response to the doctor's question about the importance of eating right. He tells the doctor that he feels like he's feeding a "wild beast," and that if his patients don't finish their food, he'll be in trouble. He'll have to work harder if their recovery is delayed because they haven't finished their food. The doctor responds by saying that it's important for patients to eat right, and that's why they need to get enough sleep to recover. Hiroyuki says that the hospital food was terrible, but the food was delicious. He says that if they do the "erotic massage" like they did the day before, they'll burn the calories, and then he can ask someone else to do it for him. He wants to eat some peach jelly, but he doesn't want to eat it, because he thinks it'll make him look like a jerk. He asks the doctor to stop eating it, and the doctor says that he just wanted to "smile here" and "drop it." The doctor says he didn't do it on purpose, and Hiroyuki laughs and says he knew it. He hopes that Hiroyuki will get well soon.
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My Childhood Friend is a Perverted Doctor - This is Not a Palpation, He’s Fondling Me! • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-5176497
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
This chapter begins with Hiroyuki's response to the doctor's question about the importance of eating right. He tells the doctor that he feels like he's feeding a "wild beast," and that if his patients don't finish their food, he'll be in trouble. He'll have to work harder if their recovery is delayed because they haven't finished their food. The doctor responds by saying that it's important for patients to eat right, and that's why they need to get enough sleep to recover. Hiroyuki says that the hospital food was terrible, but the food was delicious. He says that if they do the "erotic massage" like they did the day before, they'll burn the calories, and then he can ask someone else to do it for him. He wants to eat some peach jelly, but he doesn't want to eat it, because he thinks it'll make him look like a jerk. He asks the doctor to stop eating it, and the doctor says that he just wanted to "smile here" and "drop it." The doctor says he didn't do it on purpose, and Hiroyuki laughs and says he knew it. He hopes that Hiroyuki will get well soon.
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