Yaoyorozu Sex~My Virginity Was Taken by Japanese Gods~ • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-5175708
Yaoyorozu Sex~My Virginity Was Taken by Japanese Gods~ • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-5126383
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
It's been a few days since he was last rubbed, and now he's ready to go back to work. He complains that his body hurts, and that his clothes are stuck to his cheek. He says he'll wait for her later, but she says she'll have to go to sleep. He's sorry, he says, but he can't stop talking about how horrible the guys are. He tells her to be quick about getting rid of the chain, and then he tells her not to stand there and mope, because she's a "useless piece of trash" . She tells him to pick up the dishes and wash them himself, and he says it's nice to meet someone who doesn't get "chastity ! . . pick up every thing by your self, hurry, pick it up, and don't stand there, clean it up ! You're a useless piece, and it feels so disgusting, and I'm making fun of you, and you're making me look like a piece of garbage . I'll get back to you, but first I have to tell you that the woman who came on the day of the inspection didn'
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Yaoyorozu Sex~My Virginity Was Taken by Japanese Gods~ • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-5175708
Yaoyorozu Sex~My Virginity Was Taken by Japanese Gods~ • Chapter 25 • Page ik-page-5126383
Chapter 25
This is a locked chapterChapter 25
About This Chapter
It's been a few days since he was last rubbed, and now he's ready to go back to work. He complains that his body hurts, and that his clothes are stuck to his cheek. He says he'll wait for her later, but she says she'll have to go to sleep. He's sorry, he says, but he can't stop talking about how horrible the guys are. He tells her to be quick about getting rid of the chain, and then he tells her not to stand there and mope, because she's a "useless piece of trash" . She tells him to pick up the dishes and wash them himself, and he says it's nice to meet someone who doesn't get "chastity ! . . pick up every thing by your self, hurry, pick it up, and don't stand there, clean it up ! You're a useless piece, and it feels so disgusting, and I'm making fun of you, and you're making me look like a piece of garbage . I'll get back to you, but first I have to tell you that the woman who came on the day of the inspection didn'
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