Yaoyorozu Sex~My Virginity Was Taken by Japanese Gods~ • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-5175703
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that she's not a very good person. She's afraid of what people will think of her if they find out that she likes to shake people's hands. The narrator says that she can't think of anything better than shaking a person's hand, and that she doesn't want to be a bad person at all. She says that the person she is shaking is so kind that she thinks he's the cutest thing in the world. He kisses her, and she says that it's so sweet. She wants to keep licking him, and he says that he'll keep licking her for the rest of his life. He wants to know how she smells, and the narrator tells him that she smells like a car lying on its side. He says that's a good thing, because the car smells
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Yaoyorozu Sex~My Virginity Was Taken by Japanese Gods~ • Chapter 20 • Page ik-page-5175703
Chapter 20
This is a locked chapterChapter 20
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that she's not a very good person. She's afraid of what people will think of her if they find out that she likes to shake people's hands. The narrator says that she can't think of anything better than shaking a person's hand, and that she doesn't want to be a bad person at all. She says that the person she is shaking is so kind that she thinks he's the cutest thing in the world. He kisses her, and she says that it's so sweet. She wants to keep licking him, and he says that he'll keep licking her for the rest of his life. He wants to know how she smells, and the narrator tells him that she smells like a car lying on its side. He says that's a good thing, because the car smells
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