A Woman Who Destroys the Office ー I Just Want to be Happy • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5157458
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that she's just trying to be happy. She's worried about her husband, who's having an affair with a business phone employee. The narrator goes on to say that she found a picture of the woman on her husband's phone, but she doesn't want her husband to think that the woman is a prostitute. She also says that she gave her husband a warning about having sex with a woman, but he's not a prostitute, so she'll have to figure out a way to get rid of him. She tells the narrator to put her daughter back to bed so she can figure out what's wrong with her. She asks the narrator if she asked her the same question last week, and the narrator says she didn't ask her that last week. She says she just wanted to know how long she'd be relying on others, and that's why she asked the last time she asked him that question. She apologizes and says she can introduce her to someone she knows.
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A Woman Who Destroys the Office ー I Just Want to be Happy • Chapter 12 • Page ik-page-5157458
Chapter 12
This is a locked chapterChapter 12
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that she's just trying to be happy. She's worried about her husband, who's having an affair with a business phone employee. The narrator goes on to say that she found a picture of the woman on her husband's phone, but she doesn't want her husband to think that the woman is a prostitute. She also says that she gave her husband a warning about having sex with a woman, but he's not a prostitute, so she'll have to figure out a way to get rid of him. She tells the narrator to put her daughter back to bed so she can figure out what's wrong with her. She asks the narrator if she asked her the same question last week, and the narrator says she didn't ask her that last week. She says she just wanted to know how long she'd be relying on others, and that's why she asked the last time she asked him that question. She apologizes and says she can introduce her to someone she knows.
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