A Woman Who Destroys the Office ー I Just Want to be Happy • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5111837
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he wants to be happy. He thanks the office manager for his hard work. He asks if he's been working over time, and he says that if he talks to his boss, he'll be able to find out something. He says that he'd like to leave early so that he can have a drink with some of his friends. He wants to know if he has friends, and if he doesn't, he asks if there's anything he should say and shouldn't say. He also wants to see if he touched his smart phone when he was in the office, and asks if it's safe to record the conversation. The narrator says that she touched her smart phone, and that someone was cording it in, so she wanted to see what it looked like. He tells her to show him her phone screen, and she says she's dropping in the eaves of the bathroom, so he should show her the screen. He apologizes for touching her phone, but she says he should give it back. He's sorry that he had to see her after hours, but he promises to meet her in a short amount of time. Before they start talking, the narrator asks if she has worked on web-related stuff before joining the company. She says that when she was working in a sales position, he invited her to work for him. He shows her the company's web site, which has a slogan that says, "taste the rich seafood." The narrator asks whether this is where she came from, and the narrator says it isn't. He then asks the narrator to take a look at the pictures on the web site. The pictures are taken from other pictures, he says, and everything else is taken from the original picture.
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A Woman Who Destroys the Office ー I Just Want to be Happy • Chapter 4 • Page ik-page-5111837
Chapter 4
This is a locked chapterChapter 4
About This Chapter
The narrator tells us that he wants to be happy. He thanks the office manager for his hard work. He asks if he's been working over time, and he says that if he talks to his boss, he'll be able to find out something. He says that he'd like to leave early so that he can have a drink with some of his friends. He wants to know if he has friends, and if he doesn't, he asks if there's anything he should say and shouldn't say. He also wants to see if he touched his smart phone when he was in the office, and asks if it's safe to record the conversation. The narrator says that she touched her smart phone, and that someone was cording it in, so she wanted to see what it looked like. He tells her to show him her phone screen, and she says she's dropping in the eaves of the bathroom, so he should show her the screen. He apologizes for touching her phone, but she says he should give it back. He's sorry that he had to see her after hours, but he promises to meet her in a short amount of time. Before they start talking, the narrator asks if she has worked on web-related stuff before joining the company. She says that when she was working in a sales position, he invited her to work for him. He shows her the company's web site, which has a slogan that says, "taste the rich seafood." The narrator asks whether this is where she came from, and the narrator says it isn't. He then asks the narrator to take a look at the pictures on the web site. The pictures are taken from other pictures, he says, and everything else is taken from the original picture.
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