My Childhood Friend is an Erotic Painter: Melting Over and Over Again in an Immoral Room • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5114987
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Roxane explains that she has prepared a room in which she can model for Roxane for a month. She tells Roxane that only her and rikuto are in the room, and that she would like to make sure that he is there as much as he can. She says that it is not like she paints at fixed times, but that she paints when she sees it. She asks Roxane to show her more of her body, and he does so. He tells her that he wants her to be his and his alone.
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My Childhood Friend is an Erotic Painter: Melting Over and Over Again in an Immoral Room • Chapter 3 • Page ik-page-5114987
Chapter 3
This is a locked chapterChapter 3
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Roxane explains that she has prepared a room in which she can model for Roxane for a month. She tells Roxane that only her and rikuto are in the room, and that she would like to make sure that he is there as much as he can. She says that it is not like she paints at fixed times, but that she paints when she sees it. She asks Roxane to show her more of her body, and he does so. He tells her that he wants her to be his and his alone.
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