Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5090175
Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5013142
Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5013135
Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5013141
Chapter 29: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 29: End
About This Chapter
Sarashina is in a bad mood. She's worried that she doesn't have enough money to buy herself a nice house. She tells herself that she's going to make a career out of being a model and then she'll be able to buy her own house. This is all a lie, she says, because she hasn't had any eyes for her since they met when they were kids. She says that she needs her in her life, and she knows that she should come to see her. She also tells her that they're still engaged, and that she will be merciless with her once they get married.
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Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5090175
Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5013142
Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5013135
Subaru Sarashina's Absolute Love! • Chapter 29: End • Page ik-page-5013141
Chapter 29: End
This is a locked chapterChapter 29: End
About This Chapter
Sarashina is in a bad mood. She's worried that she doesn't have enough money to buy herself a nice house. She tells herself that she's going to make a career out of being a model and then she'll be able to buy her own house. This is all a lie, she says, because she hasn't had any eyes for her since they met when they were kids. She says that she needs her in her life, and she knows that she should come to see her. She also tells her that they're still engaged, and that she will be merciless with her once they get married.
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