Professor, Let’s Do Something More Erotic —Courtship Sex is Too Good to Run From • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4949241
Chapter 10
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About This Chapter
The professor asks his grandfather if there's anything he can do to help him woo the student. The professor says he's just brought over a guy who's not feeling well. He's got a hunch that the guy is a member of the Aoba family, which means he'll be able to run away from the professor's attentions. The grandfather tells the professor to chill out and play his "silly games," but the professor doesn't want to listen to him. He tells his grandfather that he has sex with a woman named chiaki again, and that's why he can't stand the sight of the man staring at him with such intensity. He also tells the grandfather that it's hard for him to refuse the student's advances, because he knows that the student is using the professor as an instrument to get him to marry someone else. This is the first time the professor has ever heard anyone say anything like this. He asks the grandfather if he can have a cup of tea with the student, and the grandfather says he can, but the student won't be having any of that. He wants to show the professor something he'd really like to show him: the "warkshop" where he makes things. The student says he doesn''t have the money to go to the warkshop, so he can just go to his friend's shop and make some stuff himself.
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Professor, Let’s Do Something More Erotic —Courtship Sex is Too Good to Run From • Chapter 10 • Page ik-page-4949241
Chapter 10
This is a locked chapterChapter 10
About This Chapter
The professor asks his grandfather if there's anything he can do to help him woo the student. The professor says he's just brought over a guy who's not feeling well. He's got a hunch that the guy is a member of the Aoba family, which means he'll be able to run away from the professor's attentions. The grandfather tells the professor to chill out and play his "silly games," but the professor doesn't want to listen to him. He tells his grandfather that he has sex with a woman named chiaki again, and that's why he can't stand the sight of the man staring at him with such intensity. He also tells the grandfather that it's hard for him to refuse the student's advances, because he knows that the student is using the professor as an instrument to get him to marry someone else. This is the first time the professor has ever heard anyone say anything like this. He asks the grandfather if he can have a cup of tea with the student, and the grandfather says he can, but the student won't be having any of that. He wants to show the professor something he'd really like to show him: the "warkshop" where he makes things. The student says he doesn''t have the money to go to the warkshop, so he can just go to his friend's shop and make some stuff himself.
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