Professor, Let’s Do Something More Erotic —Courtship Sex is Too Good to Run From • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4949247
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The professor and the student have sex in front of the professor's class. The professor is surprised to find that the student has been having sex with the professor all this time. The two of them continue to have sex until the professor asks the student if he can remember the man he had sex with. The student says that he only just met the professor at the college and that he does not know what the professor is talking about. The teacher says that she has to leave the room to get away, but that she will remember the passion she felt when the man kissed her. She asks the professor if his body is starting to remember him, and the professor says that it is just " drool" .
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Professor, Let’s Do Something More Erotic —Courtship Sex is Too Good to Run From • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4949247
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
The professor and the student have sex in front of the professor's class. The professor is surprised to find that the student has been having sex with the professor all this time. The two of them continue to have sex until the professor asks the student if he can remember the man he had sex with. The student says that he only just met the professor at the college and that he does not know what the professor is talking about. The teacher says that she has to leave the room to get away, but that she will remember the passion she felt when the man kissed her. She asks the professor if his body is starting to remember him, and the professor says that it is just " drool" .
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