Hot Sex at My Front Door with a Flirty and Sweet Mailman • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4948353
Chapter 5
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About This Chapter
Back at the apartment, the Governess tells her brood to go home. She's been up all night preparing for her morning classes, and she can't concentrate on anything because she's so busy. The Governess decides to hide her apartment's "guzzling" in order to avoid the sight of her new friend. She tells herself that she shouldn't "interfere" with him, since it's awkward for her to look at him while he is talking to someone else. Instead, she'll just follow him around the city, thanking him for his kind words. When she sees him, she thinks he's creepy, but then she realizes that he is kind, and that's why she likes him so much. She runs off to find her mother, who is delighted to see her. She asks if she got a cold, and when she says yes, she says it'll make her go back to work. She thanks her mom for sending her a package the day before, and tells her that she was so nervous that she finally got back to her job. She wishes she could hear the words "hurry up and go" every day, so she can just be herself.
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Hot Sex at My Front Door with a Flirty and Sweet Mailman • Chapter 5 • Page ik-page-4948353
Chapter 5
This is a locked chapterChapter 5
About This Chapter
Back at the apartment, the Governess tells her brood to go home. She's been up all night preparing for her morning classes, and she can't concentrate on anything because she's so busy. The Governess decides to hide her apartment's "guzzling" in order to avoid the sight of her new friend. She tells herself that she shouldn't "interfere" with him, since it's awkward for her to look at him while he is talking to someone else. Instead, she'll just follow him around the city, thanking him for his kind words. When she sees him, she thinks he's creepy, but then she realizes that he is kind, and that's why she likes him so much. She runs off to find her mother, who is delighted to see her. She asks if she got a cold, and when she says yes, she says it'll make her go back to work. She thanks her mom for sending her a package the day before, and tells her that she was so nervous that she finally got back to her job. She wishes she could hear the words "hurry up and go" every day, so she can just be herself.
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