Hot Sex at My Front Door with a Flirty and Sweet Mailman • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4948344
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The narrator is on his way home from college when he runs into a guy on the street. He asks the guy where he's going, and the guy says he'll take him to his new apartment. The narrator tells the guy that he has a great route from his school to his apartment, and he suggests that they stop by a bakery where the girl works. The girl is impressed by the guy's good looks, and she tells the narrator that she'd like to eat with him next time. The guy tells the girl that he doesn't like filling rolls, but the girl says she's always gone straight to the bakery to thank the guy for his good food. She's glad that the girl decided to live in New York City, because it's a great place to be, and there's lots of food to be had. She says that the guy is a good guy, too, and they should eat together, since they're both from New York. The man says that they should stop by the bakery where his ex-girlfriend works, and that they'll have a nice meal together. He's not sure if the girl will like the man, but she says that she always goes straight to his bakery after school to thank him for his food. He tells her that she should try the man's food next time, since she'll probably like it better. He blushes a little bit, but he says that he likes the girl's accent, which the narrator says is very "embarrassed
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Hot Sex at My Front Door with a Flirty and Sweet Mailman • Chapter 2 • Page ik-page-4948344
Chapter 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 2
About This Chapter
The narrator is on his way home from college when he runs into a guy on the street. He asks the guy where he's going, and the guy says he'll take him to his new apartment. The narrator tells the guy that he has a great route from his school to his apartment, and he suggests that they stop by a bakery where the girl works. The girl is impressed by the guy's good looks, and she tells the narrator that she'd like to eat with him next time. The guy tells the girl that he doesn't like filling rolls, but the girl says she's always gone straight to the bakery to thank the guy for his good food. She's glad that the girl decided to live in New York City, because it's a great place to be, and there's lots of food to be had. She says that the guy is a good guy, too, and they should eat together, since they're both from New York. The man says that they should stop by the bakery where his ex-girlfriend works, and that they'll have a nice meal together. He's not sure if the girl will like the man, but she says that she always goes straight to his bakery after school to thank him for his food. He tells her that she should try the man's food next time, since she'll probably like it better. He blushes a little bit, but he says that he likes the girl's accent, which the narrator says is very "embarrassed
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