Cage of Intoxicating Pleasure - Drenched in Sweet Poison • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4939155
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to a number of characters, each of whom has a unique story to tell. The first person we meet is a young woman named Anna Onihsian, who has received a series of letters and notes from a man named Kishu, who is a suspect in the manufacture of illegal drugs. The second person is a woman named Katherine Mizuta, who received a similar letter from Kishu. The third person is her brother, Kishu's older brother, who also has been named a suspect. We learn that both of them were orphans when they were wards of the President of France, and that they were given the drug "lady ange" by the President in order to treat an incurable disease.
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Cage of Intoxicating Pleasure - Drenched in Sweet Poison • Chapter 13 • Page ik-page-4939155
Chapter 13
This is a locked chapterChapter 13
About This Chapter
In this short scene, we are introduced to a number of characters, each of whom has a unique story to tell. The first person we meet is a young woman named Anna Onihsian, who has received a series of letters and notes from a man named Kishu, who is a suspect in the manufacture of illegal drugs. The second person is a woman named Katherine Mizuta, who received a similar letter from Kishu. The third person is her brother, Kishu's older brother, who also has been named a suspect. We learn that both of them were orphans when they were wards of the President of France, and that they were given the drug "lady ange" by the President in order to treat an incurable disease.
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