Cage of Intoxicating Pleasure - Drenched in Sweet Poison • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-4819458
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
The song begins with a soliloquy about the intoxicating pleasure of "sweet poison" . It then turns to the subject of the song's title, which is "squeezing" , or "screaming" in the Latin language. This is a sexual slang term for "tossling" or "shaking." It is also used to describe a sexual act that involves a sexual move, such as "swooping," "swallow," or "plop-slop." The song ends with a slap, which the narrator describes as "deep" and "slush." The narrator then describes how his "insides" have been "swelled" by the "cute voice" of the man in question, and how he is unable to "take it anymore" because of the "tightness" of his "inners."
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Cage of Intoxicating Pleasure - Drenched in Sweet Poison • Chapter 6 • Page ik-page-4819458
Chapter 6
This is a locked chapterChapter 6
About This Chapter
The song begins with a soliloquy about the intoxicating pleasure of "sweet poison" . It then turns to the subject of the song's title, which is "squeezing" , or "screaming" in the Latin language. This is a sexual slang term for "tossling" or "shaking." It is also used to describe a sexual act that involves a sexual move, such as "swooping," "swallow," or "plop-slop." The song ends with a slap, which the narrator describes as "deep" and "slush." The narrator then describes how his "insides" have been "swelled" by the "cute voice" of the man in question, and how he is unable to "take it anymore" because of the "tightness" of his "inners."
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