Cage of Intoxicating Pleasure - Drenched in Sweet Poison • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4819457
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
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The next morning, the two of them meet in the lobby of the hotel where the previous night they had been staying. The two are shocked to find each other, and the former accuses the latter of having "missed" him. The latter accuses the former of having left him outside the door of his apartment the day before and of having given him "the nerve" to tell him that he had not been there. The former accuses him of having missed him because he was "just gonna drug" him with "lady ange anyway" . He also accuses the man of being a "repe demon" because of his "about nudity" , and of being "too stiff" for his tastes. The young man wonders if the man has found a weakness in him to make a "scoop" of him, and wonders if he has gotten a "leak" from a "stranger" source.
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Cage of Intoxicating Pleasure - Drenched in Sweet Poison • Chapter 8 • Page ik-page-4819457
Chapter 8
This is a locked chapterChapter 8
About This Chapter
The next morning, the two of them meet in the lobby of the hotel where the previous night they had been staying. The two are shocked to find each other, and the former accuses the latter of having "missed" him. The latter accuses the former of having left him outside the door of his apartment the day before and of having given him "the nerve" to tell him that he had not been there. The former accuses him of having missed him because he was "just gonna drug" him with "lady ange anyway" . He also accuses the man of being a "repe demon" because of his "about nudity" , and of being "too stiff" for his tastes. The young man wonders if the man has found a weakness in him to make a "scoop" of him, and wonders if he has gotten a "leak" from a "stranger" source.
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