In another world, a girl named yuka meets up with a boy named aoi. The two of them have been waiting for yuka to show up, and yuka tells her that she's been waiting a long time. She tells a story about how she and aoi used to hang out together in the library, and how aoi's mother thought that yuka's "joke" about hayakawa was a joke. Yuka tells yuka that she doesn't know what to make of this story, but she does know that aoi and her friend have a common ground: they both remember the world of the other world, and they're both afraid that they'll never be able to get along in this new world.
In another world, a girl named yuka meets up with a boy named aoi. The two of them have been waiting for yuka to show up, and yuka tells her that she's been waiting a long time. She tells a story about how she and aoi used to hang out together in the library, and how aoi's mother thought that yuka's "joke" about hayakawa was a joke. Yuka tells yuka that she doesn't know what to make of this story, but she does know that aoi and her friend have a common ground: they both remember the world of the other world, and they're both afraid that they'll never be able to get along in this new world.