Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4771910
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656501
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656470
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656469
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656493
Chapter 81
This is a locked chapterChapter 81
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Ruchiuchi tells his brother that he is pregnant. He tells him that his mother is in the car with him, and that he invited her and her husband to come and check out the festival he is holding. When Ruchi asks why he is there, he learns that Ruchi's mother has contracted the disease that eats away at the world's population. Ruchi tells Ruchi that he and his mother are the only humans in the world who have the ability to resist this disease. He asks Ruchi if he will be able to change the world if he marries Ruchi, and Ruchi replies that he will not. He then asks Rachi whether he would like to go out without a woman like Ruchi.
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Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4771910
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656501
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656470
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656469
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 81 • Page ik-page-4656493
Chapter 81
This is a locked chapterChapter 81
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Ruchiuchi tells his brother that he is pregnant. He tells him that his mother is in the car with him, and that he invited her and her husband to come and check out the festival he is holding. When Ruchi asks why he is there, he learns that Ruchi's mother has contracted the disease that eats away at the world's population. Ruchi tells Ruchi that he and his mother are the only humans in the world who have the ability to resist this disease. He asks Ruchi if he will be able to change the world if he marries Ruchi, and Ruchi replies that he will not. He then asks Rachi whether he would like to go out without a woman like Ruchi.
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