Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4769543
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653937
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653951
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653949
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653948
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
I'm waiting for you. I don't know why you're still not liking me. I've waited all this time for you to like me. He's so warm and he's melting. He slaps at me and slaps like you. He doesn't want to touch him. He wants to slap him and slap him like you, but he can't do that because he'd be too hot. He asks if he can touch you today, and if you say no, he'll give it a shot. He can use a shiver to get you to fall in love with him. I can feel him moving in me, he says, and he can feel you moving in him too, so I'll just slap you and slap you like you
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Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4769543
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653937
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653951
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653949
Pregnant in a Boys' School • Chapter 21 • Page ik-page-4653948
Chapter 21
This is a locked chapterChapter 21
About This Chapter
I'm waiting for you. I don't know why you're still not liking me. I've waited all this time for you to like me. He's so warm and he's melting. He slaps at me and slaps like you. He doesn't want to touch him. He wants to slap him and slap him like you, but he can't do that because he'd be too hot. He asks if he can touch you today, and if you say no, he'll give it a shot. He can use a shiver to get you to fall in love with him. I can feel him moving in me, he says, and he can feel you moving in him too, so I'll just slap you and slap you like you
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