This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous line in the play, "Don't underestimate the wisdom of a gamer" . It's a quote from the play's opening soliloquy, "Nine tails, transform!" . In other words, the battle is about to begin, and it's about to end. The battle will be won or lost on the strength of the battle's final battle move, the nine tails. This is the move that's going to kill the guy who's standing in the way of General Lu's victory. The guy who stands in his way is going to die, and he's not going to be
This chapter's epigraph comes from a famous line in the play, "Don't underestimate the wisdom of a gamer" . It's a quote from the play's opening soliloquy, "Nine tails, transform!" . In other words, the battle is about to begin, and it's about to end. The battle will be won or lost on the strength of the battle's final battle move, the nine tails. This is the move that's going to kill the guy who's standing in the way of General Lu's victory. The guy who stands in his way is going to die, and he's not going to be