Now that he's been asked to take care of zhixia again, he has no idea what he should do. He remembers that they used to write a wish list together when they were in college, and he remembers that when they returned to work, chuan was surprised to hear that the company had decided to go with the cheaper option of buying a new cat. . The next day, he goes back to work and revises the proposal. He tells chuan to sign the document the next day. He also tells him to not order takeout again, because he has found so many good things in the past three years that he can't even think of ordering it again. , he tells .
Now that he's been asked to take care of zhixia again, he has no idea what he should do. He remembers that they used to write a wish list together when they were in college, and he remembers that when they returned to work, chuan was surprised to hear that the company had decided to go with the cheaper option of buying a new cat. . The next day, he goes back to work and revises the proposal. He tells chuan to sign the document the next day. He also tells him to not order takeout again, because he has found so many good things in the past three years that he can't even think of ordering it again. , he tells .