Familiar Nanfeng • Chapter 26 • Page ik-page-4408282
Chapter 26
This is a locked chapterChapter 26
About This Chapter
The young master is late, so the maid tries to meet him, but he refuses to let her in. The maid, however, is determined to see the young master anyway. She begs him to leave, and he agrees to meet her. He tells her that it is her first day at the house, and that the storm is brewing, so she should go back.
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Familiar Nanfeng • Chapter 26 • Page ik-page-4408282
Chapter 26
This is a locked chapterChapter 26
About This Chapter
The young master is late, so the maid tries to meet him, but he refuses to let her in. The maid, however, is determined to see the young master anyway. She begs him to leave, and he agrees to meet her. He tells her that it is her first day at the house, and that the storm is brewing, so she should go back.
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