In this chapter, we are introduced to the young master of the hosiery, who is also known as "the young master" or "the housekeeper." The young master is introduced to his master's daughter, "Linxing." Linxing is a pretty girl, but she also pays attention to detail. She even went to an ice cream place that was very unpopular, and she even planned everything. She is also a "bad girl" with a "motorcycle" and a "blue curly hair" that "never stop staring." She is a good friend to the master, but he is worried about her safety. He tells her to hurry up and pack up all of the products she used earlier. He also tells her not to worry about the safety of liang, because she is pretty. He reminds her that they used to play the dance together and that it is not the dance that is the point. He asks the housekeeper to do a detailed analysis for him. He is afraid of missing details, so he asks her to do the analysis. The housekeeper does not seem to have any problem with Lanxing's behavior, and he is not sure why she approached liang in the first place. The hosiekeeper's ranking system refers to overall data